Category Archives: Scientific Papers

Understanding the Role of Glia-Neuron Communication in the Pathophysiology of Epilepsy: A Review

Understanding the Role of Glia-Neuron Communication in the Pathophysiology of Epilepsy: A Review

By Peng Chen, Fuchao Chen, and Benhong Zhou Excerpt from the article published in  Journal of Integrative Neuroscience (JIN) 2022, 21(4), 102. Published: 30 May 2022. DOI: Editor’s Highlights Epilepsy is a prevalent, chronic, and severe neurological disorder characterized by abnormal hypersynchrony of a large population of neurons. It is widely assumed that there is an […]

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Sigma-1 Receptor Modulation by Ligands Coordinates Cancer Cell Energy Metabolism

Sigma-1 Receptor Modulation by Ligands Coordinates Cancer Cell Energy Metabolism

By Furkan E. Oflaz, Zhanat Koshenov, Martin Hirtl, Rene Rost, Roland Malli, and Wolfgang F. Graier Excerpt from the article published in Biomolecules. 2022; 12(6):762. DOI Editor’s Highlights Sigma-1 Receptor (S1R) is an integral membrane protein, a unique ligand-activated chaperone, localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and highly enriched in specialized regions named mitochondria-associated […]

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Molecular function of Sigma-1 receptor in obesity-induced metabolic dysfunction

Molecular function of Sigma-1 receptor in obesity-induced metabolic dysfunction

By Chowdhury S. Abdullah, Shafiul Alam, Richa Aishwarya, Jonette M. Green, A. Wayne Orr, Matthew D. Woolard, Aimee E. Vozelinek, Norman R. Harris, Randa S. Eshaq, Christopher G. Kevil, and Shenuarin Bhuiyan Introduction to the article published in Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 046| VOLUME 112, P149, NOVEMBER 01, 2017, DOI: Editor’s Highlights Sigma-1 receptor (Sigmar1) […]

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Fluent molecular mixing of Tau isoforms in Alzheimer’s disease neurofibrillary tangles

Fluent molecular mixing of Tau isoforms in Alzheimer’s disease neurofibrillary tangles

By Aurelio J. Dregni, Pu Duan, Hong Xu, Lakshmi Changolkar, Nadia El Mammeri, Virginia M.-Y. Lee, and Mei Hong Excerpt from the article published in Nature Communications 13, 2967 (2022). Editor’s Highlights Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is defined by intracellular neurofibrillary tangles formed by the microtubule-associated protein tau and extracellular plaques formed by the β-amyloid peptide. Extensive […]

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Targeting ER-Mitochondria Signaling as a Therapeutic Target for Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Targeting ER-Mitochondria Signaling as a Therapeutic Target for Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

By Sandra M. Martín-Guerrero, Andrea Markovinovic, Gábor M. Mórotz, Shaakir Salam, Wendy Noble and Christopher C. J. Miller Excerpt from the article published in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, volume 10, 27 May 2022 DOI: Editor’s Highlights Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria signaling is damaged in Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) […]

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Cell death regulation by MAMs: from molecular mechanisms to therapeutic implications in cardiovascular diseases

Cell death regulation by MAMs: from molecular mechanisms to therapeutic implications in cardiovascular diseases

By Yiran E. Li, James R. Sowers, Claudio Hetz, and Jun Ren Excerpt from the article published in Cell Death Dis 13, 504 (2022). Editor’s Highlights Mutually coupled membrane components between mitochondria and ER, referred to as mitochondria-associated membranes (MAMs). MAMs refer to the complex of outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) and ER segregated by a distance […]

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Intracellular Aβ42 Aggregation Leads to Cellular Thermogenesis

Intracellular Aβ42 Aggregation Leads to Cellular Thermogenesis

By Chyi Wei Chung, Amberley D. Stephens, Tasuku Konno, Edward Ward, Edward Avezov, Clemens F. Kaminski, Ali A. Hassanali, and Gabriele S. Kaminski Schierle Excerpt from the article published in Journal of the American Chemical Society, Publication Date: May 26, 2022, DOI: Editor’s Highlights Abstract The aggregation of Aβ42 is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s […]

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Neuroprotective Effects of σ2R/TMEM97 Receptor Modulators in Neuronal Model of Huntington’s Disease

Neuroprotective Effects of σ2R/TMEM97 Receptor Modulators in Neuronal Model of Huntington’s Disease

By Jing Jin, Nicolas Arbez, James J. Sahn, Yan Lu, Kathryn T. Linkens, Timothy R. Hodges, Anthony Tang, Robyn Wiseman, Stephen F. Martin, and Christopher A. Ross Excerpt from the preprint published by ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage; 2022; DOI 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-l6xtv This content has not been peer-reviewed. Editor’s Highlights Huntington’s disease (HD) is a genetic […]

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Sigma-1 receptor attenuates osteoclastogenesis by promoting ER-associated degradation of SERCA2

Sigma-1 receptor attenuates osteoclastogenesis by promoting ER-associated degradation of SERCA2

By Xiaoan Wei, Zeyu Zheng, Zhenhua Feng, Lin Zheng, Siyue Tao, Bingjie Zheng, Bao Huang, Xuyang Zhang, Junhui Liu, Yilei Chen, Wentian Zong, Zhi Shan, Shunwu Fan, Jian Chen, and Fengdong Zhao Excerpt from the article published in EMBO Molecular Medicine e15373 25 May 2022 DOI: Editor’s Highlights Abstract Sigma-1 receptor (Sigmar1) is a […]

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SARS-CoV-2 NSP3, NSP4 and NSP6 mutations and Epistasis during the pandemic in the world: Evolutionary Trends and Natural Selections in Six Continents

SARS-CoV-2 NSP3, NSP4 and NSP6 mutations and Epistasis during the pandemic in the world: Evolutionary Trends and Natural Selections in Six Continents

By Haniyeh fooladinezhad, Maryamsadat Shahidi, Mohammadamin Mahmanzar, Bahar Mahdavi, Samaneh Tokhanbigli, Mahsa Mollapour Sisakht, Bahman Moradi, Mohamad Reza Ganjalikhany, Karim Rahimian, and Mazdak Ganjndalikhani-Hakemi Excerpt from the article published in medRxiv 2022.05.22.22275422; DOI: Editor’s Highlights The key stage of the SARS-CoV-2 life cycle is virus replication in infected cells. During this process, several viral proteins facilitate […]

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