Category Archives: Editors Choice

The Calcium Channel α2δ1 Subunit: Interactional Targets in Primary Sensory Neurons and Role in Neuropathic Pain

The Calcium Channel α2δ1 Subunit: Interactional Targets in Primary Sensory Neurons and Role in Neuropathic Pain

By Wenqiang Cui, Hongyun Wu, Xiaowen Yu, Ting Song, Xiangqing Xuan, and Fei Xu Excerpt from the article published in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, volume 15, 2021. DOI: Editor’s Highlights In the human genome, four α2δ proteins (α2δ1–α2δ4) are encoded by four genes (CACNA2D1–CACNA2D4), respectively. The upregulated expression of CACNA2D1 contributed to neuronal excitability and neurotransmission. […]

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Sigmar1’s Molecular, Cellular, and Biological Functions in Regulating Cellular Pathophysiology

Sigmar1’s Molecular, Cellular, and Biological Functions in Regulating Cellular Pathophysiology

By Aishwarya Richa, Abdullah Chowdhury S., Morshed Mahboob, Remex Naznin Sultana, and Bhuiyan Md. Shenuarin Excerpt from the article published in Frontiers in Physiology, volume 12, 2021. DOI: Editor’s Highlights Sigma-1 receptor is a multifunctional, ubiquitously expressed chaperone protein encoded by the SIGMAR1 gene. Alterations in Sigmar1’s subcellular localization, expression, and signaling have been […]

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Sigma-1 Receptor Promotes Mitochondrial Bioenergetics by Orchestrating ER Ca2+ Leak during Early ER Stress

Sigma-1 Receptor Promotes Mitochondrial Bioenergetics by Orchestrating ER Ca2+ Leak during Early ER Stress

By Koshenov, Z.; Oflaz, F.E.; Hirtl, M.; Pilic, J.; Bachkoenig, O.A.; Gottschalk, B.; Madreiter-Sokolowski, C.T.; Rost, R.; Malli, R.; Graier, W.F. Excerpt from the article published in Metabolites 2021, 11, 422. Published: 26 June 2021, DOI: Editor’s Highlights The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a complex, multifunctional organelle of eukaryotic cells and responsible for the trafficking and […]

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Crystal structures of the σ2 receptor template large-library docking for selective chemotypes active in vivo

Crystal structures of the σ2 receptor template large-library docking for selective chemotypes active in vivo

By Assaf Alon, Jiankun Lyu, Joao M. Braz, Tia A. Tummino, Veronica Craik, Matthew J.O’Meara, Chase M. Webb, Dmytro S. Radchenko, Yurii S. Moroz, Xi-Ping Huang, Yongfeng Liu, Bryan L. Roth, John J. Irwin, Allan I. Basbaum, Brian K. Shoichet, and Andrew C. Kruse Excerpt from the article published in bioRxiv 2021.04.29.441652; April 30, 2021; DOI: Editor’s Highlights Abstract The σ2 receptor is a poorly understood transmembrane receptor that has attracted intense interest in many areas of biology including cancer imaging, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, and neuropathic pain. However, […]

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Presynaptic α2δ subunits are key organizers of glutamatergic synapses

Presynaptic α2δ subunits are key organizers of glutamatergic synapses

By Clemens L. Schöpf, Cornelia Ablinger, Stefanie M. Geisler, Ruslan I. Stanika, Marta Campiglio, Walter A. Kaufmann, Benedikt Nimmervoll, Bettina Schlick, Johannes Brockhaus, Markus Missler, Ryuichi Shigemoto, and Gerald J. Obermair Excerpt from the article published in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) March 29, 2021 | 118 (14) e1920827118 | Editor’s […]

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Glioma-Derived TSP2 Promotes Excitatory Synapse Formation and Results in Hyperexcitability in the Peritumoral Cortex of Glioma

Glioma-Derived TSP2 Promotes Excitatory Synapse Formation and Results in Hyperexcitability in the Peritumoral Cortex of Glioma

By Yao-Hui Wang, Tian-Lan Huang, Xin Chen, Si-Xun Yu, Wei Li, Tao Chen, Yang Li, Yong-Qin Kuang, and Hai-Feng Shu Excerpt from the article published in Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, Volume 80, Issue 2, February 2021, Pages 137–149, Editor’s Highlights Seizures are common in patients with brain tumors.  The risk of epilepsy development is […]

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The Sigma-2 Receptor, PGRMC1, and LDL Receptor complex are responsible for the cellular uptake of Aβ42 and its protein aggregates

The Sigma-2 Receptor, PGRMC1, and LDL Receptor complex are responsible for the cellular uptake of Aβ42 and its protein aggregates

by Aladdin Riad, Zsofia Lengyel-Zhand, Chenbo Zeng, Chi-Chang Weng, Virginia M.-Y. Lee, John Q. Trojanowski, and Robert H. Mach Excerpt from the article published in final edited form as: Mol Neurobiol. 2020 September DOI: 10.1007/s12035-020-01988-1 Editor’s Highlights Sigma-2 receptor (TMEM97) and PGRMC1 are therapeutic targets for inhibiting neuronal uptake of Aβ42 and ApoE-associated Aβ42 and potentially […]

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Proteostasis and Proteotoxicity in the Network Medicine Era

Proteostasis and Proteotoxicity in the Network Medicine Era

By Marta Lualdi, Tiziana Alberio, and Mauro Fasano Excerpt from the article published in Internationa Journal of Molecular Science 2020, 21(17), 6405; Editor’s Highlights The vast majority of proteins display a complex structure and need assistance to obtain the final correct conformation. In physiologic conditions, several proteins (i.e., the molecular chaperones) assist the folding process in order […]

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Auxiliary α2δ1 and α2δ3 Subunits of Calcium Channels Drive Excitatory and Inhibitory Neuronal Network Development

Auxiliary α2δ1 and α2δ3 Subunits of Calcium Channels Drive Excitatory and Inhibitory Neuronal Network Development

By Arthur Bikbaev, Anna Ciuraszkiewicz-Wojciech, Jennifer Heck, Oliver Klatt, Romy Freund, Jessica Mitlöhner, Sara Enrile Lacalle, Miao Sun, Daniele Repetto, Renato Frischknecht, Cornelia Ablinger, Astrid Rohlmann, Markus Missler, Gerald J. Obermair, Valentina Di Biase and Martin Heine Excerpt from the article published in Journal of Neuroscience 17 June 2020,  40 (25) 4824-4841; DOI: Highlights This study provides support for the reported association of the α2δ1 coding region (CACNA2D1) and the α2δ3 coding region (CACNA2D3) genetic aberrations with autism and the […]

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Neuronal Sigma-1 Receptors: Signaling Functions and Protective Roles in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neuronal Sigma-1 Receptors: Signaling Functions and Protective Roles in Neurodegenerative Diseases

by Daniel A. Ryskamp, Svetlana Korba, Vladimir Zhemkov, Nina Kraskovskaya, and Ilya Bezprozvanny Excerpt from the article published in Front. Neurosci., 28 August 2019 | Editor’s Highlights Abstract Sigma-1 receptor (S1R) is a multi-functional, ligand-operated protein situated in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes and changes in its function and/or expression have been associated with various neurological disorders including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/frontotemporal dementia, […]

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