Category Archives: Epilepsy

Glioma-Derived TSP2 Promotes Excitatory Synapse Formation and Results in Hyperexcitability in the Peritumoral Cortex of Glioma

Glioma-Derived TSP2 Promotes Excitatory Synapse Formation and Results in Hyperexcitability in the Peritumoral Cortex of Glioma

By Yao-Hui Wang, Tian-Lan Huang, Xin Chen, Si-Xun Yu, Wei Li, Tao Chen, Yang Li, Yong-Qin Kuang, and Hai-Feng Shu Excerpt from the article published in Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, Volume 80, Issue 2, February 2021, Pages 137–149, Editor’s Highlights Seizures are common in patients with brain tumors.  The risk of epilepsy development is […]

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