Category Archives: Alzheimer

The Sigma-2 Receptor/TMEM97, PGRMC1, and LDL Receptor complex are responsible for the cellular uptake of Aβ42 and its protein aggregates

The Sigma-2 Receptor/TMEM97, PGRMC1, and LDL Receptor complex are responsible for the cellular uptake of Aβ42 and its protein aggregates

By Aladdin Riad, Zsofia Lengyel-Zhand, Chenbo Zeng, Chi-Chang Weng, Virginia M.-Y. Lee, John Q. Trojanowski, and Robert H. Mach Excerpt from the article published in Molecular Neurobiology 2020 Sep; 57(9): 3803–3813. Published online 2020 Jun 23. doi: 10.1007/s12035-020-01988-1 Abstract Background: Our lab has recently shown that the Sigma-2 Receptor/Transmembrane Protein 97 (TMEM97) and Progesterone Receptor Membrane Component 1 […]

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Proteostasis Failure in Neurodegenerative Diseases: Focus on Oxidative Stress

Proteostasis Failure in Neurodegenerative Diseases: Focus on Oxidative Stress

By Annika Höhn, Antonella Tramutola, and Roberta Cascella Excerpt from the article published in OMCL Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 1942-0994 1942-0900 Hindawi Volume 2020 Article ID 5497046 DOI: Editor’s Highlights The cellular protein quality control ensures the proper folding of newly synthesized proteins, handling unfolding, refolding, and/or degradation of misfolded proteins. This process is critical as 30% of newly synthesized proteins are prone […]

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Amyloid, APP, and Electrical Activity of the Brain

Amyloid, APP, and Electrical Activity of the Brain

By Dimity Hefter, Susann Ludewig, Andreas Draguhn, and Martin Korte Amyloid Excerpt from the article published in Neuroscientist. 2020;26(3):231-251. Doi: Editor’s Highlights Abstract The Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) is infamous for its proposed pivotal role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Much research on APP focusses on potential contributions to neurodegeneration, mostly based […]

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Sigma-2 Receptor/TMEM97 and PGRMC-1 Increase the Rate of Internalization of LDL by LDL Receptor through the Formation of a Ternary Complex

Sigma-2 Receptor/TMEM97 and PGRMC-1 Increase the Rate of Internalization of LDL by LDL Receptor through the Formation of a Ternary Complex

By Aladdin Riad, Chenbo Zeng, Chi-Chang Weng, Harrison Winters, Kuiying Xu, Mehran Makvandi, Tyler Metz, Sean Carlin, and Robert H. Mach Excerpt from the article published in Scientific Reports 8, 16845, 15 November 2018, DOI: Editor’s Highlights The disruption of lipoprotein trafficking may also be responsible for the mechanism of action of sigma-2 receptors (TMEM97/σ2R) […]

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Small molecule modulator of sigma 2 receptor is neuroprotective and reduces cognitive deficits and neuroinflammation in experimental models of Alzheimer’s disease

Small molecule modulator of sigma 2 receptor is neuroprotective and reduces cognitive deficits and neuroinflammation in experimental models of Alzheimer’s disease

By Bitna Yi, James J. Sahn, Pooneh Memar Ardestani, Andrew K. Evans, Luisa L. Scott, Jessica Z. Chan, Sangeetha Iyer, Ashley Crisp, Gabriella Zuniga, Jonathan T. Pierce, Stephen F. Martin, and Mehrdad Shamloo Excerpt from the article published in  Journal of Neurochemistry, 07 December 2016, 140: 561-575. DOI: Editor’s Highlights Abstract Accumulating evidence suggests that […]

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Aβ mediates Sigma receptor degradation via CaN/NFAT pathway

Aβ mediates Sigma receptor degradation via CaN/NFAT pathway

By Min Fang, Pei Zhang, Yanxin Zhao, Aiping Jin, and Xueyuan Liu Excerpt from the article published in American Journal of Translational Research 2016; 8(8): 3471–3481. Published online 2016 Aug 15. PMCID: PMC5009399 Editor’s Highlights Extracellular Aβ accumulation has been found as a major molecular mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease (AD). The abnormal Aβ accumulation may […]

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Soluble α-Synuclein Is a Novel Modulator of Alzheimer’s Disease Pathophysiology

Soluble α-Synuclein Is a Novel Modulator of Alzheimer’s Disease Pathophysiology

By Megan E. Larson, Mathew A. Sherman, Susan Greimel, Michael Kuskowski, Julie A. Schneider, David A. Bennett, and Sylvain E. Lesné Excerpt from the article published in Journal of Neuroscience 25 July 2012,  32 (30) 10253-10266; Corrected on May 26, 2022 DOI: Editor’s Highlights Neurodegenerative diseases share the common feature of the misfolding and aggregation of proteins that are […]

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