Tag Archives: Sigma 2 Receptor

Development of a CRISPRi Human Retinal Pigmented Epithelium Model for Functional Study of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Genes

Development of a CRISPRi Human Retinal Pigmented Epithelium Model for Functional Study of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Genes

By Jiang-Hui Wang, Daniel Urrutia-Cabrera, Jarmon G. Lees, Santiago Mesa Mora, Tu Nguyen, Sandy S. C. Hung, Alex W. Hewitt, Shiang Y. Lim, Thomas L. Edwards, and Raymond C. B. Wong Excerpt from the article published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 8 February 2023; 24(4):3417. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24043417 Editor’s Highlights Abstract Age-related macular degeneration […]

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Retinal Photoreceptor Protection in an AMD-Related Mouse Model by Selective Sigma-1 or Sigma-2 Receptor Modulation

Retinal Photoreceptor Protection in an AMD-Related Mouse Model by Selective Sigma-1 or Sigma-2 Receptor Modulation

By Timur A. Mavlyutov, Jing Li, Xinying Liu, Hongtao Shen, Huan Yang, Christopher R. McCurdy, Bikash Pattnaik, and Lian-Wang Guo Excerpt from the article published in Genes 13(12):2386, 16 December 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/genes13122386 Editor’s Highlights Abstract The structurally and genetically distinct sigma-1 receptor (S1R) and sigma-2 receptor (S2R) comprise a unique class of drug binding […]

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σ2R/TMEM97 in retinal ganglion cell degeneration

σ2R/TMEM97 in retinal ganglion cell degeneration

By Hua Wang, Zhiyou Peng, Yiwen Li, James J. Sahn, Timothy R. Hodges, Tsung-Han Chou, Qiong Liu, Xuezhi Zhou, Shuliang Jiao, Vittorio Porciatti, Daniel J. Liebl, Stephen F. Martin, and Rong Wen Excerpt from the article published in Scientific Reports 12, 20753, 01 December 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-24537-3 Editor’s Highlights Abstract The sigma 2 receptor (σ2R) […]

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Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: Progress and Challenges

Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: Progress and Challenges

By Tong Wu , Ding Lin , Yaqian Cheng , Senze Jiang , Muhammad Waheed Riaz , Nina Fu , Chenhao Mou , Menglu Ye , and Ying Zheng.  Excerpt from the article published in Aging and disease. 2022. Doi: 10.14336/AD.2022.0412 Editor’s Highlights Nowadays, the significance and complexity of the amyloid cascade hypothesis in the development of Alzheimer’s disease have been undisputed. The origin of the Aβ pathogenic pathway is mostly considered […]

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Sigma 2 receptor (σ2R/TMEM97) in Retinal Ganglion Cell Degeneration

Sigma 2 receptor (σ2R/TMEM97) in Retinal Ganglion Cell Degeneration

By Hua Wang, Zhiyou Peng, Yiwen Li et al. Excerpt from the article published in Retinal Ganglion Cell Degeneration, 15 March 2022, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square Doi: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1439890/v1 Editor’s Highlights The sigma 2 receptor (σ2R) plays a signicant role in the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) degeneration pathway and that inhibiting σ2R/TMEM97 function is […]

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BRD2 regulation of sigma-2 receptor upon cholesterol deprivation

BRD2 regulation of sigma-2 receptor upon cholesterol deprivation

By Hongtao Shen, Jing Li, Xiujie Xie, Huan Yang, Mengxue Zhang, Bowen Wang, K Craig Kent, Jorge Plutzky, and Lian-Wang GuoLife Excerpt from the article published in Science Alliance Nov 2020, 4 (1) e201900540; DOI: 10.26508/lsa.201900540 Editor’s Highlights Sigma-2 receptor is a recently unveiled player in cholesterol homeostasis. Bromodomain BRD2 and SREBP2 (sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2) cooperatively regulates S2R transcription. […]

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A proteome-wide map of 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol interactors in cell membranes

A proteome-wide map of 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol interactors in cell membranes

By Yu-Shiuan Cheng, Tianyi Zhang, Xiang Ma, Sarida Pratuangtham, Grace C. Zhang, Alexander A. Ondrus, Amirhossein Mafi, Brett Lomenick, Jeffrey J. Jones, and Alison E. Ondrus Excerpt from the author manuscript published in Nature Chemical Biology 17, 1271–1280 (19 November 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41589-021-00907-2 Editor’s Highlights Oxysterols (OHCs) are hydroxylated cholesterol metabolites that play ubiquitous roles in health […]

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The Sigma-2 Receptor/TMEM97 Agonist PB28 Suppresses Cell Proliferation and Invasion by Regulating the PI3K-AKT-mTOR Signalling Pathway in Renal Cancer

The Sigma-2 Receptor/TMEM97 Agonist PB28 Suppresses Cell Proliferation and Invasion by Regulating the PI3K-AKT-mTOR Signalling Pathway in Renal Cancer

By Bo Zhan, Zhe Zhang, Chiyuan Piao, Xiao Dong, Yang Du, Chuize Kong, and Yuanjun Jiang Excerpt from the article published in the Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 16 November 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/jcmm.17047 Editor’s Highlights Renal cancer is a malignancy that increases the burden of human cancers and has a poor prognosis rate, and there are […]

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Highly Specific Sigma Receptor Ligands Exhibit Anti-Viral Properties in SARS-CoV-2 Infected Cells

Highly Specific Sigma Receptor Ligands Exhibit Anti-Viral Properties in SARS-CoV-2 Infected Cells

by Ostrov, D.A.; Bluhm, A.P.;Li, D.; Khan, J.Q.; Rohamare, M.;Rajamanickam, K.; K. Bhanumathy,K.; Lew, J.; Falzarano, D.;Vizeacoumar, F.J.; et al. Excerpt from the article published in Pathogens 2021,10, 1514. https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens10111514 Editor’s Highlights Background There is a strong need for prevention and treatment strategies for COVID-19 that are not impacted by SARS-CoV-2 mutations emerging in variants […]

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